Players: 20 - 22 players
Duration: 60 - 90 minutes
How much effort do we put into standing still? Why do our daily activities demand that we detach ourselves from lying on the ground? The ground is only for the defeated or for resting, to recharge forces for the next quotidian battles. What if the ground is the best place to reflect on such battles? What if sharing the same ground, at the same time, is the only way we can discover other ways to share what comes after getting up?
︎︎︎ RH_About.pdf
︎︎︎ RH_Movements-for-the-Guide.pdf
Eliana Otta
a Peruvian artist living in Europe, creating situations where intimacy,
curiosity and vulnerability can be shared. Growing up in a (post?) colonial
context and her current migrant experience inform her approach to art as a
realm to build up communities and rehearse other possible worlds. She invites
accomplices to craft playful and trusting spaces, welcoming affects which tend
to be enclosure to the individual sphere. She graduated from the PhD in
Practice Program at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna with the project Lost and Shared: A laboratory for collective
mourning towards affective and transformative politics. She co-founded the artists
run space Bisagra in Lima, the collective Mouries in Athens and coordinated the
curatorial team that made the permanent exhibition at Lugar de la Memoria, Lima.
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